White Papers
Our work continues to bring to light a lot of interesting trends, ranging from how media use has changed over the last decade, to how students learn best in an online environment. In an effort to share these insights with the world at large, CSA works to produce think pieces and white papers that we hope will spark informed conversations and drive meaningful action.
Back to Normal? Observations on a Return to In-Person Qual Research
To echo what you’ve probably heard too many times already, the past 18 months have significantly disrupted the ways we interact and do business.

The post-covid workplace: the nuance behind the news
This spring, our firm conducted a nationwide study of business professionals on behalf of Harvard Business School Online.

How to make the most of your online research
Qualitative research has largely moved online in light the pandemic, and though gathering respondents in video conferences has been an option for a while now,

Television news in the new millenium
More than 15 years of experience researching news audiences and the media industry have enabled City Square Associates to take an in-depth